Fast, convenient and FREE delivery

When you call Estes Oil Company and place an order for one of our quality oils or fuels, we will deliver your product at no additional charge. Our professional drivers will arrive, help pump what you purchased and answer any questions that you may have. We take pride in our drivers.

Ease your worries with a delivery program

You can take advantage of our delivery program and not have to worry about running out of your fuels and oils. You will be put on our schedule of deliveries automatically and you won't have to worry about a thing.

Estes Oil Company Truck

You don't want to wait for your fuel and oil products

You don't want to lose heat and have to worry about any further repercussions from this happening. Estes Oil Company aims to make most deliveries within 24 hours of you placing your order. Customer satisfaction is our main focus and our goal is to strive to solve your fuel and oil needs. The best advice we can give you is not to wait until your tank is empty to call Estes Oil Company 937-746-7001 .

Our delivery service is offered from Monday through Friday, and there is a minimum order quantity of 100 gallons. Our maximum order amount for one delivery is 2000 gallons.

Place your order today!


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